Friday, February 23, 2007

New data center blog on TechTarget

The new, improved, and official data center blog is now available from Tech Target. Thanks for your patience. For those of you still reading, you will be happy to see this new blog -- it's going to be updated more frequently and offer more perspectives than just little ol me. Thanks again.

The Data Center blog



At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first began my career in the world of IT service I would most of us would have scoffed at the idea of something like network automation. Our mindset was that the best way to improve application availability was to get our hands dirty and spend our time sorting through countless little glitches in our networks.

I consider myself and very open minded person especially when it comes to technology but I just couldn’t see any kind of data center automation as a plausible “fix” for the little annoyances that go along with working on or running a network. Times do change and thankfully for most of us so do our minds and opinions. My sole focus for the past year has been IT automation and keeping the IT department within its budget, both of which go hand in hand of course. It’s because of the automation solutions available that we’ve been able to free up time and redirect the focus of our manpower to other more pressing issues like creating new business software applications and actually learning to use our automation tools better. It’s definitely a much more exciting time to be in IT.

At 3:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, are you familiar with the data center racks offered by ?

Nir Zamir

At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Cecilia said...

Thanks for sharing! My company recently revamped the data centers we had and got some collocation services done as well, so it was more tailored to our specific needs. They were great!

At 2:11 AM, Anonymous Lalitha said...

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At 7:11 AM, Blogger ابو السيد said...

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ونحن فى خدماتكم اربعه وعشرون ساعه وكل هذا بافضل الاسعار واقل التكلفة


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